Welcome to Newtown Class (Year 4-5) 
Teacher: Miss Danyali
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bennett Other teaching assistants work with the children in the PM.
To find out what we will be learning about this year, please click here to download.
To find out what we will be learning about this spring term, please click here.
Knowledge Organisers
Open these links to find out what we will be learning about in history and science in Newtown class in the Autumn term:
Historical Impact Forces and Magnets Changing States
(Year 4) (Year 5)
Key Information For Parents and Carers
As always, reading plays a crucial part in your child’s development. Through a weekly reading comprehension lesson, as well as in 1:1 reading, your child will be taught reading skills. In addition, your child will be able to take books home from the shelves in the classroom. Please remember to record in the Reading Record when your child reads, even if this is not their school reading book. It could be a magazine or newspaper article (First News is a particularly good children’s newspaper). We will use parent’s comments, along with our own records, to help build a comprehensive picture of your child’s development in reading. Asking children questions about the text will help you to determine their understanding (comprehension) of the book. Reading records will be checked regularly for adult signatures to be checked; ideally, your child should read every day, with a minimum of three adult signatures (from home) per week required. They can write in their own reading record if they have read on their own at home, but this does not replace the requirement for adult signatures.
Home learning will be set on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. This will consist of a Maths and English task, as well as weekly spellings to be practised. The maths and English tasks may be paper-based or set online. There will be no formal spelling test, although we will complete an informal assessment task on a Friday to see how well children can spell the words.
PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursday. School PE kit (dark shorts, trainers and school PE T-shirt) should be worn for these lessons, which should now be kept in school. Please remember that children cannot wear earrings during P.E. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves, please ensure that they do not wear them to school on this day. Only newly-pierced ears should be covered with tape provided from home. Children with long hair should have their hair tied with a suitable hair band. In colder weather, children may wear dark coloured tracksuit bottoms, jumpers and trainers.
If you do have any questions or concerns, please do come and speak to me or contact the school office via email or phone.
Miss Danyali