Milborne Port Primary School and The Beeches Pre-School

Building a Foundation for Life

Milborne Port, Somerset DT9 5EP

01963 250366

Welcome to Kingsbury Class (Year 3)

Teachers: Mrs Bartlett and Mrs Bennett
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Elkins and Miss Wesley

 Welcome to Kingsbury Class and Year 3. We are very excited to share our new topics for this term. Below you will find topic information for the spring term and information about our class and our routines.

To find out what we will be learning about in the autumn term, please click here to download.

To find out what we will be learning about in the spring term, please click here to download. 

Knowledge Organisers

Open these links to find out what we will be learning about in Science, History  and geography in the autumn term:

Science knowledge organiser 


Geography knowledge organiser


Why would an 8-year old visit Somerset or Dorset for a day trip or holiday?


This term, we welcome Mrs Bennett to our class. Mrs Bennett has been teaching in our school for several years. She will now teach in Kingsbury on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Bartlett will teach Kingsbury on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridayson Thursdays and Fridays. Other teachers support our class for some subjects. We have two classroom assistants who work at different times throughout the day.

We have an open door policy so please do pop in and see us before school, or catch us at the end of the day if you have any questions which we may be able to answer quickly. Alternatively, email the office and your message will be passed on. We can arrange an appointment at a convenient time if necessary.

The following information will help you prepare your child for the routines in our class.

Reading: Children should always have a suitable book to read at school and at home. This book should be aligned to your child's age and reading ability. We will monitor these books at school and help your child to choose suitable books. We encourage children to read a wide variety of genres, and also use the library to choose different books which interest them. Reading at home should be recorded in your child's Reading Record. It is their responsibility to bring these to school and home again every day as these are also used for computer login details,  and any quick messages from teachers.  We reward children's reading with team points, stickers, stamps and sometimes prizes! We are now using Acelerated Reader at school. When children finish reading a book, they can take an online quiz at school to see how well they have understood their reading. Children are allocated points according to the level of book and scores from their quizzes. We can use the information at school to suggest different genres of books, more complex, or simpler books according to how they perform.
Home Learning: Tasks will be set on Fridays to be returned each Wednesday. Written tasks should be completed carefully in pencil and be checked through by children prior to handing it in. Instructions will be provided for homework tasks plus any special resources required to complete this. Spelling words which we are working on will also be shared and can be practised on Spelling Shed. New words are set each Friday with informal assessment the following Friday. 

PE lessons: Children should come to school in their PE kits on the days when they have a PE lesson. PE lessons for Kingsbury take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Sweatman and Mrs Bartlett
Spring Term 2024

BBC Bitesize Grammar 


Spelling Lists

Year 3 

Subscription Websites

Log on information can be found in your child's Reading Record

Purple Mash

Spelling Shed and Maths Shed

Google Classroom


Accelerated Reader

Times Table Rockstars
