Welcome to Kingsbury Class (Year 3)
Teachers: Mrs Bartlett and Mrs Sweatman
Bath Spa Teacher: Mr Walker-Arnott
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Elkins and Miss Wesley
Welcome to Kingsbury Class and Year 3. We are very excited to share our new topics for this term. Below you will find topic information for the autumn term and information about our class and our routines.
To find out what we will be learning about in the autumn term, please click here to download.
Knowledge Organisers
Open these links to find out what we will be learning about in Science, History and geography in the autumn term:
Geography knowledge organiser
History knowledge organiser
Mrs Sweatman is the class teacher from Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Bartlett on Thursdays and Fridays. Other teachers support our class for some subjects. We have two classroom assistants who work at different times throughout the day.
We have an open door policy so please do pop in and see us before school, or catch us at the end of the day if you have any questions which we may be able to answer quickly. Alternatively, email the office and your message will be passed on. We can arrange an appointment at a convenient time if necessary.
The following information will help you prepare your child for the routines in our class.
PE lessons: Children should come to school in their PE kits on the days when they have a PE lesson. PE lessons for Kingsbury take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.