Welcome to Crackmore Class! (Year 5/6)
Teacher: Mr Sweatman (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Bennett (Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Wesley and Mrs Stirling
Class information
Reading: Children should always have a suitable book to read at school and at home. This book should be aligned to your child's age and reading ability. Your child will be assessed using Accelerated Reader and through 1:1 reading sessions. We will monitor these books at school and help your child to choose suitable books. We encourage children to read a wide variety of genres of book, and also use the library to choose different books which interest them. Reading at home should be recorded in your child's Reading Record and should be occurring at least 3 times a week. It is their responsibility to bring these to school and home again every day, as these are also used for computer login details, spellings and any quick messages from teachers.
Home Learning: Weekly homework will be set for English and Mathematics. Additionally, children will be set spellings and expected to read at least 3 times a week. Tasks will be set weekly on a Friday and all pieces should be returned each Wednesday. Written tasks should be completed carefully in pencil or pen and be checked thoroughly by children prior to handing it in.
P.E. lessons: P.E. will take place on Thursdays and Fridays. Children should wear school P.E. kit to school on these days.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr Sweatman